We represent clients for various lawsuits, including those for damages and collection of outstanding debt.
We represent clients for various lawsuits, including those for damages and collection of outstanding debt.
Our firm provides consultation services related to corporate law proceedings.
We provide legal consultation services for bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation procedures and/or related matters.
We provide consultation services on management and infringement resolution of copyright and trademark rights, as well as intellectual property related dispute matters.
We provide consultation services related to retirement, remuneration, and labor-related disputes.
Our firm provides consultation services on unfair trade law, subcontracting law, and regulations against unjustifiable premiums and misleading representation.
We draft software and know-how licensing, non-disclosure, import/export, agency, dealer, and various other agreements. In addition, we review and propose amendments to your drafting contractual documents.
We provide legal advice and represent clients for necessary procedures related to corporate takeovers and restructuring.